Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Criminology| What is the components Criminology

Criminology And What is the components Criminology

(1) Introduction: 

The study of crime is called criminology. Criminology is the branch of social science. The concept of crime is not new. Cesare Lambroso is the father of criminology. Criminology relates to various further branches of crime like penology, female criminology, and juvenile delinquency. Criminology crime and criminal law have so many similarities along with differences. The term criminology was coined in 1885 by Italian law professor Raffaele Garofalo as criminology. Later French anthropologist Paul Topinard used.  

(2) Definition:  

Criminology is the branch of sociology in which we discuss about crime, criminals, criminal behavior and prevention of crime.

(3) Historical background:  

Crime is as old, as the history of man. The study of crime is criminology but as an independent subject. Criminology came into existence much later on. As a subject “criminology term used by Italian professor Raffaele Garofalo”. Where the father of criminology is Cesare Lambror since them criminology has been expanded and divided into many other branches like, penology, criminology, juvenile delinquency, female criminality and Victimology.

(4) Branches of criminology:

  Branches of criminology are following; 

(a) Penology :

It is the study of punishment. In this branch we study the purpose kinds, reasons and theories of punishment. Crime and punishment walk side by side, so criminals should punish according to law.  

(b) Victimology :

It is also the branch of criminology. In victimology we study about the victims and such persons against whom crime has been committed generally behavior of accused were studied in past. However by the advent of victimology . The study of victims came into existence.

(c) Juvenile delinquency :

Juvenile is a young offender who commits crime before attaining the age of majority. Such offenders are crimes which are committed by juvenile are called delinquency. The first juvenile justice system court was established in USA in 1899.

(d) Female criminality :

The study of crimes relating to females and the reasons behind the commission crime is called as female criminality. Female criminality is the latest branch of criminology. There are many reasons why woman indulge in crime. The study of this question is called female criminality.

(e) Criminals :

A person who commits crime is called criminal. There are different categories of criminals like habitual criminals, political criminals and innocent criminals in this branch of criminology. We study various grows reasons of crime. 

 (5) Differences among crime, criminals and criminology: 

(a) Crime :

Every act which is prohibited by law and there is some punishment for violation is called crime. There are many kinds of crimes like penology, juvenile delinquency female criminology. Crime in any society cannot established but through the enforcement of law. It can be decreased. Every society of the world is suffering from crime, some have law rate and some have high rate.

(b) Criminals :

Such person who commits crimes is called criminals. Every society has criminals. We have to take preventive measures to control criminals. Rule of law and enforcement of law must be strong. Hard punishment has made for criminals. If they feel fear from the punishment so that they avoid from such crimes. Government should take control on criminals. 

(c) Criminology :

The study of crime, criminals and prevention of crime is called criminology. Criminology is main element of every society. In every society have crimes, criminals and many other adults of society. Crime is as old as man because man is a social animal. In our society many types of people are living, some are innocent, some are civilized and some are commit crimes and become criminals. Government should take hard steps against the criminals.

(6) Scope/ Importance/ object/ Characteristics/ feature of criminology:

(a) Study of crime :

Every act which is against society and law is called crime. Different sociologist explained their views in different ways about crime. There are many types of crimes. Sociologists observes why people commit crime and how can we demolish crime in society. Crime is also the study of criminology.   

(b) Base of criminal law :

The study of criminal’s divers from criminals. When people commit crime in society they become criminals. The base of criminal law is based on criminals. Government should take hard steps for criminals and stable peace in society.   

(c) Base of criminal prevention forces :

Criminal prevention forces are necessary for every society to save criminals law from crime. These forces are play important role to abolish the criminals with the help of these forces criminal nourishment should be better of next time they avoid from crime and they become civilized member of society.  

(d) Provides grounds for the improvement of criminals :

For the improvement of criminals government made rehabilitation centers for the proper guidance of criminals. In these centers government give small punishment and educate them to avoid from crimes. 

(e) Promote social behavior :

Being a member of civilized society it is our moral duty to promote social behavior in society because everyone in society wants peace. If our relations are good then lesser crime ratio in society. Every person of the society must be educated. In this way we promote social behavior and abolished crime. 

(f) Relates to deviant behavior :

In society there are some deviant behaviors, which violate the rules and regulation of society. There is also part of society. This deviant character makes harmony in society like robbery, rape and murders. These types of people are criminals and for betterment government make strict laws and punishment. 

(g) Helpful for law enforcement agencies :

Legislature is a group of people which decide and make laws for the betterment of society. These laws should be enforced like police and some other agencies have power to enforce laws in society. These institutions implement to criminals, without agencies rule of law cannot be in power.  

(H) Base of criminal investigation :

Crime is essential element of criminology offenders which commit crime they can be deal with criminology term. The government should make laws for the criminal investigation. Police is only institution in society which has power to investigate criminals by hard punishment. In this way agencies maintain peace in society.

(7) Conclusion: 

To conclude I can say that every act of a person which is against society or violation of law is called crime. There are many types of crime penology, juvenile delinquency, and female criminality. Crime is a main part of society. It cannot be abolished in any society but it percentage become low due to the rule of law. Everyone is equal in the eye of law; no one is bigger in the eye of law. We have to take preventive measures to control crime in society. The enforcement of law must be strong. Strict punishment should be made for criminals. They feel fear and horror when they think about crime. Crime is a branch of criminology. In criminology has a criminal investigation system. They deal according to criminology term.

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