Wednesday, 28 December 2022

White Collar Crime| Types/Reasons/Preventions Of White Collar Crime

White Collar Crime And It's Types/Reasons/Prevention Of White Collar Crime

(1) Introduction: 

White collar crime is the involvement of persons in commercial matters to obtain illegal benefits through cheating, dishonesty, bribe, money landing and frauds. In criminology the collar shade crimes are the new terms. White collar crime, blue collar crime, red crime and black collar crimes are famous. Among all these terms the most commonly known and easily seen is white collar crime. Commonly rich persons are such persons who have reasonable bread and butter commit these crimes. All cyber and high-bred crimes are white collar crimes. There are so many examples and preventing methods to control this menace.

(2) Definition:

(a) According to black law dictionary:

“A known violent crime usually involving, cheating or dishonesty in commercial matters”

(b) Marian Webster :

Crime that typically involves stealing money from a company and that is done by positions in the company, crime committed by white collar workers.

(c) According to Edwin H.Sutherland :

An illegal act or series of illegal acts committed by non physical means and by guilt or obtain money or property.

(3) Types of white collar crimes:  

(a) Corruption:

A person in society with high profile status takes money from the local people for there legal and illegal acts. If he does right or wrong in society no one goes against him, because he has high powers and relations with administration of the society. This method is also known as white collar crime.

(B) Blackmail:

Blackmailing is the essential part of crime of society. Blackmailer’s demands money from the innocent people of society. Innocent people give money to these types of offenders for threat. Blackmailing is also type of white collar crime. 

(c) Cyber crimes:

A person who commits crime through electronic devices is called cyber crime. In white collar crime offenders steal and hack banking accounts, debit cards and online banking system. Cyber crimes are also white collar crime. 

(e) Money laundering:

People earn money from illegal acts which they do not show in banking record or without doing any work and then they transfer it to other countries is called money laundering. It is also a type of white collar crime. The second name of money laundering is black money.   

(f) Cheating:

The well known persons of society known as white collar criminals give different deceptions to innocent people of society and take money and cheat them. Cheating is big crime in society. These types of people do not go against them due to their pressure in society.

(g) Bribery:

Bribery is worst evil in society. It is done by two types of people. The first is government persons and the second is high profile status personality. Both take money for their legal and illegal means. It is a modern trend of society. Most of the people do not get their rights because of bribery.

(h) Nepotism:

This branch much relates to white collar crime. In this branch one person perform two types of work. He gives relief to his companions by paying money. He asks them this offer is only for you. He looted the money from the people in this way.  

(i) Kick-backs:

With the passage of time crime takes u-tern in different ways in society, crime is crime. Kick back is the new concept of white collar crime. People of administrative and well known personalities fix percentage with local people for the illegal works. This process is called kickbacks.  

(4) Conclusion: 

To conclusion I can say that ,....................................................................................


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