Friday, 23 December 2022

Structure of Chinese Government

 Structure of Chinese Government

(1) Introduction:

China is the most popular country in the world. It has so many religions, societies, life style, languages, colors, creeds and cultures. A bulk of people of the world is yoked together under the flag of People’s Republic of China. Despite having so many differences Chinese government is meaning publish in socialist democracy by single congress and collective bargaining decision.  

(2) Structure of Chinese government:  

(a) Head of state:

President is head of People’s Republic of China. He has executive, legislative, judicial and finical powers. According to latest amendments a president being the head of State can receive any foreign head-not afford a home. He can send his representative to revive foreign, when he is unable to perform such duties. A president is the regional of unity, respect and powers.  

(b) Head of Government:

In People’s Republic of China the Prime Minister is the head of government. He is elected by Chinese people after becoming the member of national people congress. He is evaluated as Prime Minister. All the executive, legislative, judicial and finical powers are vested to Prime Minister. He is the source of powers and head of cabinet. 

(c) Unicameral legislature:

In People’s Republic of China national people congress is the Soul legislation institution. There is no concept of upper and lower house in china. It is NBC which has all legislating powers and authorizes.

(d) Head of supreme people court:

It is also a unique feature in Chinese constitution that the head/chief of supreme people court of china is appointed by national People’s congress. These chief is named as “president” so the powers of national people congress on visible on judiciary.

(e) Rigid constitution:

The present constitution along with its five amendments is rigid in its nature. It cannot be amended with simple majority. The Fifth Amendment was made the part of constitution with 2/3 majority.

(f) Socialist democracy:

China is a socialist state. Mao Zedong Carl Max and practice and applied inform of socialism, by the passage of time china switched to democracy by adopting latest requirement of age.

(g) Public private enterprises:

China has private enterprise in almost all the aspect of life. However in resent period. It has given to private ownership. Powers are directly wasted to Chinese government. 

(h) Unitary form of government:

China has a great revelatory history. It has seen so many ups and downs of the history. It had tasted sweet and butter experiences of time. The present constitution came into existence after a long revelatory period. 

(j) State council:

State council is a real machinery of government. It is composed of Prime Minister, voice Prime Minister, Sectary general. It is highest organ of state administration. All the executive, legislative, judicial and finical powers of administrated through state council.

(3) Conclusion:  

To conclude I can say that People’s Republic of China is a unique country with unique features. Despite being largest country in population, it has unitary, republic, unicameral legislature and state council. The execute it finical, executive, legislative and judicial powers. China has long and involuntary history modified democracy in the world.

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