Sunday, 25 December 2022

Relationship Between Cantons and Federal Government Under Swiss Constitution

Relationship Between Cantons and Federal Government Under Swiss Constitution

(1) Introduction: 

Swiss constitution is unique in its formation in Switzerland. These are 26 cantons (states) and all cantons are controlled in form of confederation. The Swiss constitution ordinary made 1848 but finally revised in 1999 and came into force on the first day of 2000. In Switzerland these is direct democracy the relation between canton and federal government is strong the Swiss parliament is bicameral. The upper house is called senate and lower house is called the house of representative. According to Swiss constitution every Swiss citizens has dual nationality.

(2) Relationship between cantons and federal government:

The relationship between cantons and federal government article 42 to 49 of the constitution of Switzerland deals with cantons. The main features of relationship and these natures of working have been elaborated as under:

(a) Dual citizenship:

Every Swiss citizens who is member of a part of the Switzerland has dual citizen ship e.g. Swiss and second cantons nationality. 

(b) Supremacy of federal law:

Federal law is supremacy in Switzerland not may any single provision of cantons law can be made against the federal law. However a specific respect and importance is always given to the cantons law by the federal constitution.

(c) Autonomy and independence of cantons:

All the cantons are autonomy bodies in Switzerland. Each canton is free and independent to make decisions for the welfare of its citizens. The federal constitution does not interfere in the autonomy of cantons.  

(d) Distribution of powers:

A beautiful relation between federal government and cantons has been made through the distribution of powers. Powers are divided into both of the institution. For example relationship with foreign countries is the powers of federal government. Whereas education, health, internal society are the powers of cantons.

(e) Matter relating to culture and norms:

All the matters relating to culture, norms, music, arts and language are cantons jurisdiction. The federal government neither interferes nor supersedes these norms and culture. All cantons are free to enjoy this culture.

(f) Cantonal constitution:

The cantonal constitution is democratic independent and fair. The federal government gives respect and authority to implement all the cantonal constitution.

(g) Implementation of federal constitution:

As federal constitution is supreme so all the cantons in Switzerland avoid by and follow the federal constitution. All cantons implements by federal government. 

(3) Conclusion:  

To conclude I can say that in Switzerland whereas a concept of confederation. All the states are independent and autonomy in their internal affairs. Whereas the federal constitution is supreme in its nature. In Swiss constitution powers jurisdiction and limitation have been elaborated. In the federal constitution in article 42 to 49.

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