Thursday, 29 December 2022

Max Weber

Max Weber And His Theories

(1) Introduction: 

Max Weber was a great German sociologist he render services on history law political science and human psychology. He also worked on economics and political psychology. He presented many new ideas in the realm of bureaucracy social work, iron cage. Tripartite classification of authority. He was born in 1864 Prussia and died in 1920 in Munich German. The concept of sociology cannot be completed without the works of Max Weber. He is best known for his research combining economic sociology and sociology of religion. He gave stress on the importance of cultural influences. He presented bureaucratic model and rationalization.  

(3) Main theories:

a) Weber an bureaucracy 

b) Social action 

c) Methodological individualism 

d) Three components stratification 

e) Tripartite classification of authority 

f) Bureaucratic model 

(4) Theory of social action:  

Max Weber presented theory of social action according to him the behavior of a man which relates to an action is based social and environment conditions, according to this theory the study of social behavior in a particular society as so much importance. He gave illustration to present his views logical. According to social action theory they are many types of action.

(5) Types of action:

Max Weber discussed various types of education which leads to completion of social action among them. Following are the main types of social actions:

(a) Objectives and practical actions:

He states that in this action the actor is free to select his sources purely on the base of his abilities and performance. In this action a purpose is selected and practices tried to prove this action freely. The performance is free in selecting his sources.  

(b) Goal oriented action:

According to Max Weber the action should be goal oriented after the selection of sources according to the ability of the actor the purpose are fixed in the first stage. Such an action will be rational which has been selected according to the values of people. Before performing action the purposes of the action have been fixed. The sources have also been selected according to the ability of the actor. Such actions are oriented.   

(c) Effective actions:

An action which is purposeful, goal oriented becomes purposeful. Such action has been emotion, feeling and thoughts. Being a social animal action has impact of social values customary convention values.

(d) Traditional action:

In this action the set pet-ran of society is followed along experienced behavior and social experiments are the base of the tradition so the tradition become actions and these actions are termed as traditional actions. Max Weber talked about social behavior and behavioral science. 

(e) Weber and Bureaucracy:

A theory of bureaucracy the world bureaucracy is combination of two words bureau and curacy , bureau mean along table and curacy mean government. So bureaucracy is an organized method to serve the people with the consultation of well education elite. According to Max Weber bureaucracy is type of organization of classes in which the birth of many people is arrange through wisdom, which they perform for the achievement of administrative actions on large scale.  

(f) Feature of theory:

Max Weber gave the following feature of his webrian bureaucracy theory:

1. Bureaucracy is based on mutual concentrations. 

2. The members of bureaucracy are permanent so they perform duty regularly. 

3. All the important decisions of government are implemented through bureaucracy. 

4. The bureaucracy performs the role of which between government and public. 

5. Bureaucracy keeps the regards of his working on regular basis. 

6. Bureaucracy is answerable to government as well as reflect 

(6) Conclusion:

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