Thursday, 29 December 2022

Probation and Parole

 Probation and Parole, Difference b/w  Probation and Parole, Functions Of  Probation and Parole

(1) Introduction: 

Probation and parole are the terms relating to resale of accrued persons from jail on same justifiable conditions. Generally these both terms are used as synonyms but there is a clear difference. Probation is granted to the convicted person by a judge. When a trial in a process. On probation a judge imposes some restrictions to be observed during probationary period. So the offender released on probation is duty bound to follow these restrictions. Whereas the parole is the release of accused prior to duration. A person release on parole has to follow some restriction as well. 

(2) Meaning of probation:  

a) Black’s law dictionary: 

A court imposed criminal sentence that subject to stated conditions, release a convicted person into the community instead of sending the criminal to jail or prison.

(3) Meaning of parole:  

b) Black’s law dictionary: 

The release of a prisoner from imprisonment before the full sentence has been served.  

(4) Probation decision:  

Probation is a decision handed down by the judge and trial stage the probation is only for that person whose crime is against state or yourself and not for any individual these are some statements on which the probation is granted to offenders. Judge gives order to offender to live in society and also report to probation officer. If an offender violates the condition or rules of probation, the probation officers ordered and send him to jail. This whole process is known as probation or revocation. 

(5) Points considered on release on probation:  

At the time of release some points are considered by releasing judge:

(a) Age of the offenders. 

(b) Substance of convict and his dependents. 

(c) First time offender. 

(d) Woman. 

(e) Attitude of convict at the time of fir and trial. 

(f) Crime against property. 

(g) Such crime in which means red is not involved. 

(h) Depressed person or not. 

(i) Clean and neat past of convict’s family. 

(j) Religious knowledge, political struggle and media journalistic character.  

(6) To whom probation is not given: 

(a) Fixed sentence convicts. 

(b)History sheet of previous record of crime. 

(c) Convicts gave false evidence in murder. 

(d) Sexual offenders. 

(e) Hardened and habitual offenders. 

(f) Such offense in which punishment is death. 

(g) House breaking by night. (h)Robbery, members of serious gangs.  

(7) Objects of probation: 

(a) Offender must recover his attitude by liability. 

(b) Ultimate re establishment of the offender in the community. 

(c) Promoting ligation of law. 

(d) To stop the conversation of youthful offenders into stubborn criminals.

(8) Probation of Pakistan: 

The probation of offender ordinance was introduced in Pakistan in 1960 to release any offender on probation in lieu of imprisonment under the supervision of a probation officer. 

(9) Parole: 

Parole is the early release of a prisoner who has served part of his/her prison sentence. The inmate (prison) is allowed to return to the community under the conditions of parole and supervision of a parole agent. Violation of these conditions of parole can result in a revocation of people and re imprisonment for the offender. The decision to grant parole is the responsibility of the parole commission or board.  

(10) Purpose of parole: 

The purpose of parole is allowing well behaved convicted offenders to spend the rest of his/ her time as a good conduct person near his/her family. 

(11) Point considered by parole board before granting parole: 

Following points are considered by parole board before releasing an offender on parole:

a) Whether the convict had profited by his stay in the institution. 

b) Whether he was so reformed that he was unlikely to commit another offence. 

c) What his behavior was in prison. 

d) Whether he had home or other place to go. 

e) Whether he told the truth, when he was question by parole board. 

f) Which appearance when interviewed by the board. 

(12) Conclude:

To concluded I can say that ,.................................................................................

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